This device keeps the power to the connected electrical instruments when missing the main power and during engine ignition. Must be connected to a backup battery (12V 2A, available on request) that is automatically charged when the main power is present. If main power fails the electrical instruments continue to work for a certain amount of time. Used with ECLIPSE, with a backup battery in good conditions and fully charged, the autonomy is about 1 hour with one ECLIPSE connected or 30 minutes with two ECLIPSE connected.
Main features and specifications:
- Connections through aeronautic cables, 20 cm length
- Dimensions: 70 x 25 x 8 mm
- Operating temperature range: -20~+70°C
- Supply voltage: 12 ~ 15 V=
- Max current supplied to the connected instruments: 3 Ampere
- Supply current (device only): 110 uA (microAmpere)
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Tags: Battery backup, flybox instrument for ultralight aircraft battery, batteries